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. "New Electrochromic Mirror Systems." Solid State Ionics. Vol. 165. Golden, CO, 2002. 305-308. LBNL-51416.
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. "Near-Infrared Spectrally Selective Plasmonic Electrochromic Thin Films." Advanced Optical Materials 1.3 (2013) 215 - 220.
. "Natural Convection Effects in Three-Dimensional Window Frames with Internal Cavities." ASHRAE Transactions 107, Part 2 (2000). LBNL-47073.
. "The National Energy Requirements of Residential Windows in the U.S.: Today and Tomorrow." ACEEE 1996 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Profiting from Energy Efficiency. Pacific Grove, CA, 1996. LBNL-39692.
. Moving from Niche to Mainstream Markets: Addressing the High Cost of Daylighting Systems. New York, New York, 2007.
. "Monitored lighting energy savings from dimmable lighting controls in The New York Times Headquarters Building." Energy and Buildings 68.A (2014) 498-514. LBNL-6171E.
. "Monitored Energy Performance of Electrochromic Windows Controlled for Daylight and Visual Comfort." 2006 ASHRAE Annual Meeting. Vol. 112 Issue 2. Quebec City, Canada, 2006. LBNL-58912.
. "A Modular Building Controls Virtual Test Bed for the Integration of Heterogeneous Systems." SimBuild 2008, July 30-August 1. Berkeley, CA, 2008. LBNL-650E.
. Modeling Windows in Energy Plus with Simple Performance Indices. 2009. LBNL-2804E.
. "Modeling Windows in DOE 2.1E." Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings V Conference. Clearwater Beach, FL, 1994. LBL-33192.
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. "A Method for Simulating the Performance of Photosensor-Based Lighting Controls." Energy and Buildings 34 (2001) 883-889. LBNL-49018.
. "Metal plasmas for the fabrication of nanostructures." J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (2006). LBNL-61665.
. "Measurement of the Exterior Convective Film Coefficient for Windows in Low-Rise Buildings." ASHRAE Transactions 100, Part 1 (1993). LBL-34717.
. "Measurement of Bidirectional Optical Properties of Complex Shading Devices." ASHRAE Transactions 101, Part 1 (1995). LBL-36243.
. "Measured Winter Performance of Storm Windows." ASHRAE Transactions 109, Part 2 (2002). LBNL-51453.