High Performance Glazing Systems: Architectural Opportunities for the 21st Century

TitleHigh Performance Glazing Systems: Architectural Opportunities for the 21st Century
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsStephen E Selkowitz
Conference NameGlass Processing Days 99 Conference
Date Published06/1999
Conference LocationTampere, Finland
Call NumberLBNL-42724

Glazing systems will fulfill important new roles in buildings in the 21st century. This paper provides an overview of three different functional impacts for advanced glazing systems. New technology and better integration with daylighting and climate control systems allow advanced glazings in building facades to 1) improve the comfort and performance of building occupants, 2) add value and reduce energy operating costs for building owners, and 3) assist in national and global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming.

LBNL Report Number
