Transforming the Market for Residential Windows: Design Considerations for DOE's Efficient Window Collaborative

TitleTransforming the Market for Residential Windows: Design Considerations for DOE's Efficient Window Collaborative
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsJoseph H Eto, Dariush K Arasteh, Stephen E Selkowitz
Conference Name1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Date Published08/1996
Conference LocationPacific Grove, CA
Call NumberLBNL-42254

Market adoption of recent, commercially available technological advances that improve the energy performance of windows will lead to immediate economic and energy savings benefits to the nation. This paper is a scoping study intended to inform the design of a major DOE initiative to accelerate market adoption of these windows in the residential sector. We describe the structure of the U.S. residential window market and the interests of the various market players. We then briefly review five recent market transformation initiatives. Finally, we summarize our findings in a list of considerations we believe will be important for the DOE's initiative to transform the U.S. residential window market.

LBNL Report Number
