
Publications describing the Windows and Envelope Materials Group’s building façade research can be searched through the Energy Technology Area’s publications webpage.

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Papamichael, Konstantinos M, John LaPorta, and Hannah L Chauvet. "Building Design Advisor: Automated Integration of Multiple Simulation Tools." Automation in Construction 6.4 (1997) 341-352. LBNL-40591.
Papamichael, Konstantinos M, Francis M Rubinstein, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Gregory J Ward. "The Integration of Operable Shading Systems and Lighting Controls." International Daylighting Conference Proceedings. Long Beach, CA, 1986. LBL-20536.
Papamichael, Konstantinos M, Liliana O Beltran, Reto A Furler, Eleanor S Lee, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Michael D Rubin. "Simulating the Energy Performance of Holographic Glazings." 13th SPIE International Symposium on Optical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion. Freiburg, Germany, 1994. LBL-35382R.
Park, Byoung-Chul, An-Seop Choi, Jae-Weon Jeong, and Eleanor S Lee. "Performance of Integrated Systems of Automated Roller Shade Systems and Daylight Responsive Dimming Systems." Building and Environment 46.3 (2011) 747-757. LBNL-4418E.
Pelletier, Jacques, and André Anders. "Plasma-Based Ion Implantation and Deposition: A Review of Physics, Technology, and Applications." IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 33 (2005) 1944-1959. LBNL-57610.
Post, Nadine M. "Award of Excellence Winner Selkowitz Drives the Nation Toward Better Performing Buildings." Engineering News-Record., 2014.
Prindle, Bill, and Dariush K Arasteh. Energy Savings and Pollution Prevention Benefits of Solar Heat Gain Standards in the International Energy Conservation Code. 2002. LBNL-51426.
Reilly, M. Susan, Frederick C Winkelmann, Dariush K Arasteh, and William L Carroll. "Modeling Windows in DOE 2.1E." Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings V Conference. Clearwater Beach, FL, 1994. LBL-33192.
Richardson, Thomas J, and Jonathan L Slack. "Lithium-Based Electrochromic Mirrors." 203rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society. Paris, France, 2003. LBNL-52870.
Richardson, Thomas J, and Michael D Rubin. "Liquid Phase Deposition of Electrochromic Thin Films." Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 46. Uppsala, Sweden, 2000. 2119-2123. LBNL-46612.
Richardson, Thomas J. "New Electrochromic Mirror Systems." Solid State Ionics. Vol. 165. Golden, CO, 2002. 305-308. LBNL-51416.
Richardson, Thomas J. "Phase transitions in non-hydride switchable mirror thin films." Phase Transitions 81.7-8 (2008) 807 - 813.
Richardson, Thomas J, Klaus von Rottkay, Jonathan L Slack, Franck Michalak, and Michael D Rubin. "Tungsten-Vanadium Oxide Sputtered Films for Electrochromic Devices." Electrochemical Society: Molecular Functions of Electroactive Thin Films. Vol. 98-26. Boston, MA, 1998. LBNL-42381.
Richardson, Thomas J, Baker Farangis, Jonathan L Slack, Ponnusamy Nachimuthu, Rupert CC Perera, Nobumichi Tamura, and Michael D Rubin. "X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Transition Metal-Magnesium Hydride Thin Films." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 356-357 (2002) 204-207. LBNL-50574.
Richardson, Thomas J, Jonathan L Slack, Robert D Armitage, Robert Kostecki, Baker Farangis, and Michael D Rubin. "Switchable Mirrors Based on Nickel-Magnesium Films." Applied Physics Letters 78.20 (2001) 3047-3049. LBNL-47180.
Richardson, Thomas J, Jonathan L Slack, Baker Farangis, and Michael D Rubin. "Mixed Metal Films with Switchable Optical Properties." Applied Physics Letters 80.8 (2001) 1349-1351. LBNL-49043.
Richardson, Thomas J, Jonathan L Slack, and Michael D Rubin. "Electrochromism in Copper Oxide Thin Films." 4th International Meeting on Electrochromism. Uppsala, Sweden, 2000. LBNL-46510.
Rosén, Johanna, André Anders, Stanislav Mráz, and Jochen M Schneider. "Charge-State-Resolved Ion Energy Distributions of Aluminum Vacuum Arcs." Journal of Applied Physics 97 (2004). LBNL-56327.
Rubin, Michael D, Nathan Newman, James S Chan, T.C. Fu, and Jennifer T Ross. "P-Type Gallium Nitride by Reactive Ion-Beam Molecular Beam Epitaxy with Ion Implantation, Diffusion or Coevaporation of Mg." Applied Physics Letters 64.1 (1993) 64-66. LBL-34413.
Rubin, Michael D, Klaus von Rottkay, and Rebecca Powles. "Window Optics." Solar Energy 62 (1997) 149-161. LBNL-39911.
Rubin, Michael D, Shi-Jie Wen, Thomas J Richardson, John B Kerr, Klaus von Rottkay, and Jonathan L Slack. "Electrochromic lithium nickel oxide by pulsed laser deposition and sputtering." Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 54.1-4 (1998) 59-66. LBNL-39411.
Rubin, Michael D, Klaus von Rottkay, Shi-Jie Wen, Nilgün Özer, and Jonathan L Slack. "Optical Indices of Lithiated Electrochromic Oxides." Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 54.1-4 (1996) 49-57. LBNL-39410.
Rubin, Michael D, and Rebecca Powles. "Optical Properties of Glazing Materials at Normal Incidence." Revista della Statzione Sperimentale del Vetro. Paris, France, 2000. 13-16. LBNL-48322.
Rubinstein, Francis M. "Photo-Electric Control of Equi-Illumination Lighting Systems." Energy and Buildings 6 (1983) 141-150. LBL-15631.
Rubinstein, Francis M, Rudolph R Verderber, and Gregory J Ward. Photoelectric Control of Daylight-Following Lighting Systems. 1989. LBL-24872.
