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. "Issues Associated with the Use of Infrared Thermography for Experimental Testing of Insulated Systems." Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VI Conference . Clearwater Beach, FL, 1995. LBL-36734.
. "Using Infrared Thermography for the Creation of a Window Surface Temperature Database to Validate Computer Heat Transfer Models." Windows Innovations Conference 95. Toronto, Canada, 1995. LBL-36975.
. "Phase I Results of the NFRC U-Value Procedure Validation Project." ASHRAE Transactions 100, Pt. 1 (1993). LBL-34270.
. "A Validation of the WINDOW4/FRAME3 Linear Interpolation Methodology." ASHRAE Transactions 100, Part 1 (1993). LBL-34271.