"Optical Indices of Pyrolitic Tin-Oxide Glass." Materials Research Society 1996 Spring Meeting. Vol. 426. San Francisco, CA, 1996. LBL-38586.
. "Optical and Electrochemical Properties of Sol-gel Spin Coated CeO2-TiO2 Films." SPIE Meeting. San Diego, CA, 1995. LBL-37390.
. "Office Lighting: A Review of 80 Years of Standards and Recommendations." 1993 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada, 1993. LBL-35036.
. "NFRC Interlaboratory Comparison on Optical Properties." NFRC Conference. San Diego, CA, 2007. LBNL-501E.
. "NFRC Efforts to Develop a Residential Fenestration Annual Energy Rating Methodology." Window Innovations Conference 1995. Toronto, Canada, 1995. LBL-36896.
. "A New Method for Predicting the Solar Heat Gain of Complex Fenestration Systems." Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelope of Buildings V Conference Proceedings. Clearwater Beach, FL, 1992. LBL-32198.
. "New Electrochromic Mirror Systems." Solid State Ionics. Vol. 165. Golden, CO, 2002. 305-308. LBNL-51416.
. "The National Energy Requirements of Residential Windows in the U.S.: Today and Tomorrow." ACEEE 1996 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Profiting from Energy Efficiency. Pacific Grove, CA, 1996. LBNL-39692.
. "Monitored Energy Performance of Electrochromic Windows Controlled for Daylight and Visual Comfort." 2006 ASHRAE Annual Meeting. Vol. 112 Issue 2. Quebec City, Canada, 2006. LBNL-58912.
. "A Modular Building Controls Virtual Test Bed for the Integration of Heterogeneous Systems." SimBuild 2008, July 30-August 1. Berkeley, CA, 2008. LBNL-650E.
. "Modeling Windows in DOE 2.1E." Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings V Conference. Clearwater Beach, FL, 1994. LBL-33192.
. "Measured Performance of Selective Glazings." Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VI Conference . Clearwater Beach, FL, 1995. LBL-37747.
. "Market Transformation Opportunities for Emerging Dynamic Facade and Dimmable Lighting Control Systems." 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, CA, 2004. LBNL-55310.
. "Lithium-Based Electrochromic Mirrors." 203rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society. Paris, France, 2003. LBNL-52870.
. "Liquid Phase Deposition of Electrochromic Thin Films." Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 46. Uppsala, Sweden, 2000. 2119-2123. LBNL-46612.
. "Light-scattering properties of a woven shade-screen material used for daylighting and solar heat-gain control." SPIE Optics+Photonics. San Diego, CA, 2008. LBNL-828E.
. "Large Area Glare Sources and Their Effect on Discomfort and Visual Performance at Computer Workstations." 1992 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting. Houston, TX, 1992. LBL-35037.
. "Issues Associated with the Use of Infrared Thermography for Experimental Testing of Insulated Systems." Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VI Conference . Clearwater Beach, FL, 1995. LBL-36734.
. "The Integration of Operable Shading Systems and Lighting Controls." International Daylighting Conference Proceedings. Long Beach, CA, 1986. LBL-20536.
. "Integrating Automated Shading and Smart Glazings with Daylight Controls." International Symposium on Daylighting Buildings. Tokyo, Japan, 2004. B13-B20. LBNL-54567.
. "Integrating Advanced Façades into High Performance Buildings." Glass Processing Days: 7th International Conference on Architectural and Automotive Glass. Tampere, Finland, 2001. LBNL-47948.
. "Integrated Window Systems: An Advanced Energy-Efficient Residential Fenestration Product." 19th National Passive Solar Conference. San Jose, CA, 1994. LBL-35417.
. "Integrated Performance of an Automated Venetian Blind/Electric Lighting System in a Full-Scale Private Office." ASHRAE/DOE/BTECC Conference, Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VII. Clearwater Beach, FL, 1998. LBNL-41443.
. "Infrared Thermography Measurements of Window Thermal Test Specimen: Surface Temperatures." ASHRAE Seminar. Atlantic City, NJ, 2001. LBNL-47373.
. "Influence of stoichiometry on the electrochromic cerium-titanium oxide compounds." 11th International Conference of Solid State Ionics. Honolulu, Hawaii, 1997. LBNL-41550.