
Publications describing the Windows and Envelope Materials Group’s building façade research can be searched through the Energy Technology Area’s publications webpage.

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Arasteh, Dariush K, Elizabeth U Finlayson, Yu Joe Huang, Charlie Huizenga, Robin Mitchell, and Michael D Rubin. "State-of-the-Art Software for Window Energy-Efficiency Rating and Labeling." ACEEE 1998 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, CA, 1998. LBNL-42151.
Mitchell, Robin, Yu Joe Huang, Dariush K Arasteh, Charlie Huizenga, and Steve Glendenning. RESFEN5: Program Description. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2005. LBNL-812E.
Arasteh, Dariush K, Robin Mitchell, Christian Kohler, Charlie Huizenga, and Dragan C Curcija. "Improving Information Technology to Maximize Fenestration Energy Efficiency." Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings VIII. Clearwater Beach, FL, 2001. LBNL-48147.
Arasteh, Dariush K, Dragan C Curcija, Yu Joe Huang, Charlie Huizenga, and Christian Kohler. "Evaluating Fenestration Products for Zero-Energy Buildings: Issues for Discussion." SimBuild 2006: Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation. Cambridge, MA, 2006. LBNL-61249.