
Publications describing the Windows and Envelope Materials Group’s building façade research can be searched through the Energy Technology Area’s publications webpage.

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McNeil, Andrew, Eleanor S Lee, and Jacob C Jonsson. Daylight performance of a microstructured prismatic window film in deep open plan offices. 2013.
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S Lee. On the benefits of a variable-resolution bidirectional scattering distribution data format. 2012.
McNeil, Andrew, Eleanor S Lee, and Jacob C Jonsson. "Daylight performance of a microstructured prismatic window film in deep open plan offices." Building and Environment 113 (2017) 280–297. LBNL-2001167.
McNeil, Andrew. "BSDFViewer: A utility for interactive exploration of BSDF datasets." 2013.
McNeil, Andrew, Jacob C Jonsson, David Appelfeld, Gregory J Ward, and Eleanor S Lee. "A validation of a ray-tracing tool used to generate bi-directional scattering distribution functions for complex fenestration systems." Solar Energy 98.C (2013) 404-414. LBNL-6541E.
McNeil, Andrew. On the sensitivity of daylight simulations to the resolution of the hemispherical basis used to define bidirectional scattering distribution functions. 2011.
McNeil, Andrew, Christian Kohler, Eleanor S Lee, and Stephen E Selkowitz. High Performance Building Mockup in FLEXLAB. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2014. LBNL-1005151.
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S Lee. Annual daylighting performance of a passive optical light shelf in sidelit perimeter zones of commercial buildings. 2013.
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S Lee. Using Radiance and GenOpt to design static daylight redirection systems. 2012.
McNeil, Andrew. The Five-Phase Method for Simulating Complex Fenestration with Radiance. 2013.
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S Lee. "A validation of the Radiance three-phase simulation method for modeling annual daylight performance of optically-complex fenestration systems." Journal of Building Performance Simulation April 2012 (2012). LBNL-5606E.
McNeil, Andrew. The three-phase method for simulating complex fenestration with Radiance. 2013.
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S Lee. Simulated daylight performance of a new prototype prismatic window film in deep open plan offices. 2013.