
Publications describing the Windows and Envelope Materials Group’s building façade research can be searched through the Energy Technology Area’s publications webpage.

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Konstantoglou, Maria, Jacob C Jonsson, and Eleanor S Lee. "Simulating Complex Window Systems Using BSDF Data." 26th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA), June-22-24. Quebec City, Canada, 2009. LBNL-4416E.
Ward, Gregory J, Richard G Mistrick, Eleanor S Lee, Andrew McNeil, and Jacob C Jonsson. "Simulating the Daylight Performance of Complex Fenestration Systems Using Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions within Radiance." Leukos, The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society 7.4 (2011). LBNL-4414E.
Papamichael, Konstantinos M, and Liliana O Beltran. "Simulating the Daylight Performance of Fenestration Systems and Spaces of Arbitrary Complexity: The IDC Method." 3rd International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, Building Simulation 93. Adelaide, Australia, 1993. LBL-33945.
Papamichael, Konstantinos M, Liliana O Beltran, Reto A Furler, Eleanor S Lee, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Michael D Rubin. "Simulating the Energy Performance of Holographic Glazings." 13th SPIE International Symposium on Optical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion. Freiburg, Germany, 1994. LBL-35382R.
Ehrlich, Charles K, Konstantinos M Papamichael, Judy Lai, and Kenneth L Revzan. "Simulating the Operation of Photosensor-Based Lighting Controls." 2001 Building Simulation 7th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001. LBNL-47544.
Ehrlich, Charles K. "Simulating the Visual Performance of Electrochromic Glazing for Solar Control." Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society 27 (1997). LBNL-40016.
Selkowitz, Stephen E. "Singapore's Zero-Energy Building's Daylight Monitoring System." International Conference on Applied Energy 2010: Energy Solutions for a Sustainable World. Singapore, 2010. LBNL-3708E.
Arasteh, Dariush K, Russell Johnson, and Robert Sullivan. "Skylight Energy Performance and Design Optimization." Windows in Building Design and Maintanence. Gothenburg, Sweden, 1984. LBL-17476.
Anders, André, Eungsun Byon, Dong-Ho Kim, Kentaro Fukuda, and Sunnie HN Lim. "Smoothing of ultrathin silver films by transition metal seeding." Applied Physics Letters (2006). LBNL-59621.
Klems, Joseph H, and Jeffrey L Warner. "Solar Heat Gain Coefficient of Complex Fenestrations with a Venetian Blind for Differing Slat Tilt Angles." ASHRAE Symposium. Vol. 103, Part 1. Philadelphia, PA, 1996. LBNL-39248.
Klems, Joseph H. "Solar Heat Gain through a Skylight in a Light Well." ASHRAE Chicago. Vol. 108, Part 1. Chicago, IL, 2001. 512-524. LBNL-48835.
Klems, Joseph H. Solar Heat Gain Through Fenestrations Containing Shading: Procedures for Estimating Performace from Minimal Data. 2000. LBNL-46682.
Özer, Nilgün, and Carl M Lampert. "Sol-Gel Deposited Amorphous Tantalum Oxide and Niobium Oxide Films as Protonic Conductors." Window Innovations 95 Conference Proceedings. Toronto, Canada, 1995. LBL-38526.
Özer, Nilgün, and Carl M Lampert. "Sol-Gel Deposited Electrochromic Coatings." Am. Optical Society, Technical Digest. Vol. 17. Tucson, AZ, 1995. 344-347. LBL-38527.
Özer, Nilgün, Carl M Lampert, and Michael D Rubin. "Sol-Gel Deposited Electrochromic Films for Electrochromic Smart Window Glass." International Symposium on Glass Problems, International Commission on Glass. Istanbul, Turkey, 1996. LBNL-39852.
Armitage, Robert D, Michael D Rubin, Thomas J Richardson, Nada O'Brien, and Yong Chen. "Solid State Gadolinium-Magnesium Hydride Optical Switch." Applied Physics Letters 75.13 (1999) 1863-1865. LBNL-43417.
Horwat, David, and André Anders. "Spatial distribution of average charge state and deposition rate in high power impulse magnetron sputtering of copper." Journal of Physics D 41 (2008) 135210-1-6. LBNL-679E.
Lee, Eleanor S. Spectrally Selective Glazings. New Technology Energy Management Program, Federal Energy Management Program, 1998.
Lee, Eleanor S, Deborah Hopkins, Michael D Rubin, Dariush K Arasteh, and Stephen E Selkowitz. "Spectrally Selective Glazings for Residential Retrofits in Cooling-Dominated Climates." ASHRAE Transactions 100.1 (1994). LBL-34455.
Andersson, Joakim, Pavel A Ni, and André Anders. "Spectroscopic imaging of self-organization in high power impulse magnetron sputtering plasmas." Applied Physics Letters 103.5 (2013) 054104.
Wu, Yujie, Taoning Wang, Eleanor S Lee, Jérôme H Kämpf, and Jean-Louis Scartezzini. "Split-pane electrochromic window control based on an embedded photometric device with real-time daylighting computing." Building and Environment 161 (2019) 106229. LBNL-2001231.
Gustavsen, Arlid, Bjørn Petter Jelle, Dariush K Arasteh, and Christian Kohler. State-of-the-Art Highly Insulating Window Frames - Research and Market Review. Olso: INTEF Building and Infrastructure, 2007. LBNL-1133E.
Arasteh, Dariush K, Elizabeth U Finlayson, Yu Joe Huang, Charlie Huizenga, Robin Mitchell, and Michael D Rubin. "State-of-the-Art Software for Window Energy-Efficiency Rating and Labeling." ACEEE 1998 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, CA, 1998. LBNL-42151.
Kisielowski, Christian F, Joachim Krüger, Sergei Ruvimov, Tadeusz Suski, Joel W Ager, III, Erin C Jones, Zuzanna Liliental-Weber, Michael D Rubin, Eicke R Weber, Michael D Bremser, and Robert F Davis. "Strain Related Phenomena in GaN Thin Films." Ed. Krüger, Joachim. Physical Review B 54.24 (1996) 17745-17753. LBNL-39079.
Farangis, Baker, Ponnusamy Nachimuthu, Thomas J Richardson, Jonathan L Slack, Bruno K Meyer, Rupert CC Perera, and Michael D Rubin. "Structural and Electronic Properties of Magnesium-3D Transition Metal Switchable Mirrors." Fifth International Meeting on Electrochromism. Golden, CO, 2002. LBNL-51415.
